Conference Overview

The Second International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Engineering Materials (MAEM 2023) was successfully held on August 2 to 3, 2023. Due to many reasons, the conference was chosen to be online, which gave everyone access to attend. This year the online meeting was composed of three sessions: Keynote Speeches, Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations, attracted about 40 delegates from all over the world.

Thanks all the reporters, who have done excellent jobs and attendees for being with us. Except that, we'd like to extend a "thank you" for all reviewers for providing comments which are very useful for the authors. And give special thanks to Prof. Zhongjun Ding from National Deep Sea Center, China, who presided over the conference.

We are expecting more experts and participants from academia & industries to join us, look forward to meeting you next time!

Conference Schedule

Date Time Program
August 2 10:00-17:00 Online Registration
August 3 09:00-09:10 Opening Ceremony
09:10-11:10 Keynote Speeches
11:10-11:50 Oral Presentations
11:50-12:00 Poster Presentations

Keynote Speeches

It was our great honor to have the following 4 impressive keynote speeches:

Prof. Li Guo from Hunan University, China
Speech Title: Research on acoustic emission intelligent monitoring in grinding engineering ceramics

Prof. Yajun Liu from South China University of Technology, China.
Speech Title: Smart gloves and its applications in human-being-machine collaboration manufacturing

Prof. Haibo Liu and Dr. Tianran Liu from Dalian University of Technology, China.
Speech Title: Phase-transition fixturing based on MRF: principle, technology and application.

Prof. Elammaran Jayamani from Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia.
Speech Title: Development and application of Dielectric materials and their past, present, and future

Oral Presentations

Following the keynote speakers, 3 scholars made the oral presentation respectively.

Dr. Yiling Lu from University of Derby, UK.
Speech Title: Characterisation of impact resistance of composite reinforced by hybridised carbon-flax fibres in polyfurfuryl alcohol resin

Dr. Alexey Lagunov from Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia.
Speech Title: Solution of hydrodynamic problems by complex modeling methods

Dr. Honorato Ccalli Pacco from National University of Moquegua, Peru.
Speech Title: Modeling and simulation in the cultivation of mushrooms in a protected environment using Fuzzy Logic

Poster Presentations

One poster presentation came after oral presentations. Below is the brief information.

Presenter Affiliation Presentation Title
Jing Zou The Chinese University of Hong Kong Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Chlorpyrifos Wastewater Paired with Biogas SOFC Based on PrBaMn2O5+δ Electrodes

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the distinguished keynote speakers, oral speakers as well as all the audiences. This conference has made a big success because of their supports and assistance. We are expecting more and more experts and scholars from around the world to join this international workshop next year.

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QQ: 1785457680

Conference Partner

Copyright © The Second International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Engineering Materials (MAEM 2023)
